The Northern Lebanon area is experiencing a weather pattern of high river levels and cloudy skies with occasional rain showers.
On Wednesday, April 26th, the humidity is at 45%, and the UV index is at 0 out of 10. The waxing crescent moon rises at 9:49 am and sets at 1:03 am. The temperature during the day will be around 61°F, with a low of 43°F at night. The chance of rain during the day is 37%, with winds SSE at 7 mph. The skies will be cloudy in the morning, with off and on rain showers in the afternoon.
As the night progresses, the humidity will rise to 53%, and the UV index will be 5 out of 10. The sunrise is at 6:11 am, and the sunset is at 7:56 pm. The nighttime temperature will be around 43°F, with a 24% chance of rain showers. The skies will be cloudy early on, followed by partial clearing. Winds will be NE at 4 mph, remaining light and variable throughout the night.
On Thursday, April 27th, the humidity is at 75%, and the UV index is 0 out of 10. The waxing crescent moon will rise at 10:46 am and set at 1:53 am. The forecast for Thursday is yet to be determined, but will be posted tomorrow stay tuned!