
Nike Hercules Missile

Written by Collette Dobeck-Matthews and featured in our July 2023 Print edition!

If you have ever wondered to yourself what that giant missile outside of the Jonestown Legion was, you are in luck! Local Hero Len Lawson was able to identify it as the Nike Hercules Missile.

Len Lawson spent two years of his lengthy military career in Germany assembling every part of these missiles from top to bottom. Two man teams were needed to assemble each missile and Len remembers every important part that went into putting those missiles together while inside large assembly buildings.
These were long-range surface to air defense missiles armed with high explosives. Len points out that they were highly accurate and could hit a target the size of a 50 gallon drum from a range of 87-90 miles. Nike Hercules Missiles are 41 ft high and weigh about 10,700 lbs. They could fly at an altitude up to 150,000 ft. and travel at a speed of just over 3,000 mph.

The Nike Hercules Missiles like the missiles displayed at the Jonestown Legion and Ft. Indiantown Gap were used as a defense system all over the world by the United States in the early 1950’s until they were decommissioned decades later. These missiles needed to be launched from launching stations and later phased out when the more mobile Patriot Defense Missile System became a better option.

Nike Hercules Missiles were used to protect the United States on military bases all around the world and also right here on U.S. soil. Len says most civilians were often unaware the missiles were placed on rooftops all over the country in order to protect the United States from attacks.

The missiles played an important role in keeping our country safe and decommissioned Nike Hercules missiles now proudly put on display in front of military bases and American Legions all over the country. Special Thanks to Len Lawson for helping to tell the history of these missiles and for proudly serving our country.

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Jacob Keiter is a husband, a writer, a journalist, a musician, and a business owner. His journey to becoming a writer was one that was paved with challenges, but ultimately led him to find his true calling. Jacob's early years were marked by a strong desire for creative expression. He was always drawn to music, and in his youth, he played in several bands, chasing the elusive promise of fame and success. However, despite his best efforts, Jacob struggled to find the recognition he craved. It wasn't until he hit a low point in his life that Jacob discovered his love for writing. He turned to writing as a form of therapy during a particularly difficult time, and found that it not only helped him to cope with his struggles, but also allowed him to express himself in a way that he had never been able to before. Jacob's writing skills quickly caught the attention of others, and he soon found himself working as a journalist for The Sun out of Hummelstown. From there, he went on to contribute to a variety of publications, including the American Bee Journal and Referee Magazine. Jacob's writing style is reflective of traditional journalism, but he also infuses his work with a unique voice that sets him apart from others in his field. Despite his success as a writer, Jacob also owns another business, JJ Auto & Home, which specializes in cleaning. Jacob's commitment to excellence is evident in all of his endeavors, whether it be in his writing or in his business ventures. Today, Jacob is the author of two books and continues to inspire others through his writing. His journey to becoming a writer serves as a reminder that sometimes our darkest moments can lead us to our greatest achievements.

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