
Inspiring Visit: K9 Ambassadors Educate Students About 9/11

Written by Jake Keiter and featured in our October 11th Print Edition

A Special Mission to Educate

In an inspiring visit to Northern Lebanon Elementary School, the Department Chief of Special Unit 66 Search and Rescue, Christy Sallada, along with her talented K9 companions, Neeka and Raven, took on a vital mission—educating over 1,000 students about the tragic events of 9/11 and the incredible role of dogs in those tumultuous times.

An Exclusive Interview

During an exclusive interview, Chief Sallada shared her insights into this educational endeavor and the remarkable journey of Neeka and Raven as ambassadors of the Special Unit 66 Search and Rescue team.

Volunteers in Action

Chief Sallada revealed that their time at the elementary school was immensely fulfilling. They relished the opportunity to introduce themselves as volunteers and shed light on the invaluable services they provide to the community.

Education Outreach

Neeka and Raven, both active search dogs, have been involved in public education and awareness initiatives since they were just a few months old. The pair has conducted educational sessions for fire and police departments, church and civic groups, as well as Girl and Boy Scout troops. Requests for these sessions can be made through the team’s website, highlighting the significant demand for such enlightening interactions.

Teaching the Next Generation

When asked about the impact they hope to achieve by sharing this vital history with students, Chief Sallada emphasized the importance of continuing to educate the younger generation about 9/11 and the pivotal role played by K9 units.

Demonstrating the Role of K9 Units

To illustrate the crucial role of K9 units during 9/11, Chief Sallada pointed out a notable example – Bretagne, a golden retriever, whose first deployment was to the disaster site.

Engaging Young Minds

However, educating such a vast number of students came with its own set of challenges. Chief Sallada admitted that adapting the content and terminology to suit different age groups and levels of receptiveness was a constant concern.

Impactful Learning

The impact of their educational sessions was evident through the enthusiastic feedback from parents, who reported that their children couldn’t stop talking about the dogs and their incredible abilities. This reception demonstrated that initiatives like these are not only educational but also deeply captivating for young minds.

Connecting with Heroes

Reflecting on the broader significance of educating students about historical events like 9/11, Chief Sallada highlighted the importance of connecting the young generation with first responders and volunteers.

Memorable Moments

When asked about memorable moments from their visit to Northern Lebanon Elementary School, Chief Sallada shared a heartwarming anecdote about how the kids seemed to enjoy the smell of pizza as much as the dogs did.

A Mission to Continue

To ensure Neeka and Raven were well-prepared for this educational event, Chief Sallada and her team tailored their content and interactions to suit the specific age group and setting.

Inspiring Positive Change

In closing, Chief Sallada offered advice to other educators and organizations looking to engage students in discussions about significant historical events using animals like K9 Neeka and Raven.

Leaving an Indelible Mark

The visit by Chief Sallada and her K9 companions, Neeka and Raven, left an indelible mark on the students of Northern Lebanon Elementary School, not only educating them about the past but also inspiring them to appreciate the heroes in their midst and become agents of positive change in the world.


Jacob Keiter is a husband, a writer, a journalist, a musician, and a business owner. His journey to becoming a writer was one that was paved with challenges, but ultimately led him to find his true calling. Jacob's early years were marked by a strong desire for creative expression. He was always drawn to music, and in his youth, he played in several bands, chasing the elusive promise of fame and success. However, despite his best efforts, Jacob struggled to find the recognition he craved. It wasn't until he hit a low point in his life that Jacob discovered his love for writing. He turned to writing as a form of therapy during a particularly difficult time, and found that it not only helped him to cope with his struggles, but also allowed him to express himself in a way that he had never been able to before. Jacob's writing skills quickly caught the attention of others, and he soon found himself working as a journalist for The Sun out of Hummelstown. From there, he went on to contribute to a variety of publications, including the American Bee Journal and Referee Magazine. Jacob's writing style is reflective of traditional journalism, but he also infuses his work with a unique voice that sets him apart from others in his field. Despite his success as a writer, Jacob also owns another business, JJ Auto & Home, which specializes in cleaning. Jacob's commitment to excellence is evident in all of his endeavors, whether it be in his writing or in his business ventures. Today, Jacob is the author of two books and continues to inspire others through his writing. His journey to becoming a writer serves as a reminder that sometimes our darkest moments can lead us to our greatest achievements.

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