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Local Northern Lebanon Resident Runs for County Commissioner

Bill Bering Jr. and Bob Phillips are gearing up for their campaign for county commissioner. Phillips, who has held the position for the last three terms, is taking on Bering as his running partner in the upcoming election. The move to add Bering to the ticket is seen as a strategic step to bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the county commissioner’s office.

Following Commissioner Bill Ames’ death in December of 2021, Mike Kuhn was appointed to the position alongside Phillips. However, with Ames having no intention of running for a fourth term, Phillips saw an opportunity to bring in a new generation of leadership. He chose Berring for his involvement with the party and interest in running for a county-wide office position.

Phillips stated, “I knew Bill Bering was involved with the party, and looking for a county-wide office position. My whole thinking was generational. I will bring someone from the next generation, so there is some youth in there. That age group is the future that we have to look to in getting acquainted with what the job is about.” Bering, who looks up to Phillips as a mentor, welcomed the opportunity to work alongside him and bring a new perspective to the commissioner’s office.

“We’re not worried about what everybody else is doing, we’re worried about what we can do best for Lebanon County”

– Bill Bering Jr.

Both Bering and Phillips are small business owners, Bering owning a real estate company in the area and Phillips owning a small insurance company. Their small business experience is a major advantage in terms of community roles and activities, as well as flexibility and success. The party will be running on the platform of being pro-small business, a slogan that resonates with the county’s residents.

Their wives, Mollie Bering and Brenda Phillips, are also seen as key components in their success. The two men agree that a strong family core has been a crucial factor in their personal and professional success. Bering stated, “I think we can both agree that our wives are our strongest part about us.” A strong family value has been proven the key to success for both as men, business owners, and public officials.

The Northern Lebanon area is well known for its strong roots in agriculture, and Bering and Phillips are aware of the importance of preserving farmland in the county. One of their campaign slogans is “Farmland Preservation,” as the county has just surpassed the 20,000th acre of preserved farmland, and the party aims to continue preserving more. At the same time, they recognize the need for growth in a growing county, and their platform includes “Responsible Growth.” Bering stated, “We’re not looking to do so much crazy development, that it builds so fast and a mistake is realized. We want to grow at a responsible rate, while still maintaining our agricultural strength out here in the northern part of Lebanon county.”

Starting February 14th, the party will start passing on petitions to get their names on the ballot. They will need 100 verified signatures to be placed on the ballot. Their first fundraiser is scheduled for March 1st from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at the Rotunda Restaurant in Annville. With a strong focus on preserving farmland, supporting small businesses, and promoting responsible growth, Bering and Phillips are poised to bring a fresh perspective to the county commissioner’s office.

Check out the campaign’s Facebook page for more information.

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