
Team Lightning Approaches Biggest Challenge Yet

Written by Amanda Sechrist

Northern Lebanon’s own U13 boys travel soccer team, Team Lightning, is on a winning streak. They added another victory to their tally by defeating Chambersburg last weekend. However, their biggest challenge yet is on the horizon, as they face off against the only other undefeated team in their division, Hershey Orange.

The highly anticipated match will take place this Saturday at 1:00 pm on the NL High School turf field. Team Lightning is eager for community support as they prepare to take on their toughest opponent of the season.

This group of driven young athletes is supported by a fantastic group of parents who can often be found cheering them on from the sidelines. The team’s parents have taken “soccer mom” to a whole new level, sporting matching t-shirts, pom poms, and face paint to show their unwavering support, no matter the weather. In addition to their parents, the boys have a dedicated group of local fans who attend home games to support their favorite team.

Head Coach Scott Snyder is highly respected by his team for his motivational speeches and his ability to balance fun with hard work. On game day, Coach Scott can be seen running up and down the sidelines, cheering on his fantastic young men. Assistant coaches Jarrid Smith and Jared Sekellick work tirelessly to keep the boys focused and ready to give their all.

Team Lightning was originally established as a U8 recreational soccer team but has grown every year to become the force they are today, retaining many of their original players. When they’re not on the field, a large portion of the team can be found at the infamous “soccer table” in the middle school cafeteria, where they enjoy lunch together every day. They also participate in team-building summer gatherings at pool parties and winter fun at trampoline parks.

On and off the field, the boys stick together and support one another, exemplifying the true meaning of teamwork. Anyone looking to join this awesome group of driven, dedicated young men can attend Team Lightning’s tryouts for the fall season, which will be held on Monday, May 8th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Northern Lebanon High School.

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