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Women’s Self Defense At Conquest Karate

Written By Aimee Schmitt and featured in our September 13th, print edition!

I recently had an opportunity to interview Rachel Grant, the owner and instructor at Conquest Karate in Jonestown, PA. Rachel has been interested in and practicing martial arts since age 10.

Rachel’s Martial Arts Journey

By the time she was seventeen, she was accomplished and experienced enough to teach others. As Rachel taught Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do throughout her youth and college years, she also competed, eventually earning a 4th-degree master-level black belt in Tang Soo Do, not an easy task!

Rachel’s Mentor

Rachel’s instructor/mentor is the accomplished Grand Master Donald Drumm. He owned and operated the Newtown Karate Academy near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Introduction to Self-Defense Class

Rachel recently held an introduction to a self-defense class, which I observed. She has designed this class for local women to learn more about how to defend themselves with practical skills executed with confidence.

Class Location and Details

Rachel conducts the classes at Conquest Karate in an oversized garage that is temperature-controlled, well-lit, and partially covered with a padded gym mat. She currently teaches women only.

Why Self-Defense for Women

I asked Rachel, “Why self-defense for women”?

Rachel’s Response

Rachel told me that women should know and understand how to fight back, especially in “tough” situations when they may have thought nothing was in their favor. It means a lot to teach women options around how to get out of unwanted situations and use tactics they may never have thought about before.

Class Details

Rachel’s average class size is ten people. No uniforms are required. Women typically wear whatever workout wear is comfortable for them and allows dynamic movement. No specific fitness level is needed, and the class costs $60 for two hours of instruction.

Class Structure

Class begins with a brief talk about Rachel’s background and training in martial arts. Then, she pairs everyone up with a partner (it is good to go with a friend if possible). Rachel instructs each team to grab a strike pad from the shelves in the exercise space. Then, she models how each pair of women are to punch, hit, and kick the strike pads in various ways with upper and lower body techniques. Each team of classmates has time to try each move Rachel teaches and then switch to give the other partner time to practice. While the class is doing the exercises, Rachel takes videos, stopping with each pair of women to show them proper form, answer questions, or provide more instruction.

Class Atmosphere and Age Limit

The overall mood in the class I watched was primarily jovial. However, it did get a little “heavy” occasionally, so Rachel caps the minimum age of women attending class at 13. The age limit is because some content taught during the self-defense moves can be a bit sensitive and is subject to Rachel’s overall opinion of the youngest age she will teach.

Using the Wall for Self-Defense

After the strike pads are used and stored back in place, Rachel tells everyone to stand by the wall. Here, she begins to show all the women how to use the wall in their favor while teaching them various pressure points. It is very effective, according to most class attendees who vocalized the pain and discomfort the tactics made them feel.

Breaking Away from Grabs

Next, Rachel teaches how to break away from various grabs. She demonstrates wrist, front-of-body, forearm, and behind-the-body grabs and shows all her classmates how to gain freedom from them. These seemed to be a favorite for many of the class attendees.

Class Breaks and Hydration

Rachel gives everyone time to take brief breaks during the two-hour class after transitions into other class segments. Most participants bring water/hydration with them. Rachel also provides water in the classroom.

Knife Attacks and Ground Fighting Tactics

The final portion of the class teaches how to deal with knife attacks and ground fighting tactics. Everyone gets to practice these moves. There was even a brief discussion about what to look for in someone with experience with knives and how a cut to the hand may be worth suffering if it leads to ultimate freedom from an attacker.

Certificates and Conclusion

When class is over, Rachel hands out a certificate to each participant. She also takes a group photo and shares it with everyone.

Class Attendees’ Reasons

Before the class attendees departed, I asked a few why they signed up for the class. One woman currently works as an EMT and thought the course would benefit her. Other participants mentioned the same and admitted they were teachers and retirees.

Rachel’s Future Goals

After class, I asked Rachel about her future goals, and she shared a few. Aside from some upgrades to equipment in her classroom space, she wants to offer a refresher course for all the introduction to self-defense students she has taught. She also hopes to offer self-defense classes for children.

Rachel’s Impressive Skills

And for all the kiddos out there wondering if Rachel can break wooden boards, she can, and she can even do it blindfolded! Her skills are evident and impressive.

Upcoming Classes

If you want to check out one of Rachel’s self-defense classes, you can sign up on Facebook at Conquest Karate. Her next class, in late September, is already filled. She will be offering another in early October. They fill up fast, so don’t delay if you are interested.

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